Groupe Forget is here to help you find solutions, like hearing aids, to rediscover the pleasure of hearing.
Over 35 years of experience has given us top-notch expertise in our field. Our audioprosthetists are trained to answer your questions, help you make the right choices and provide personalized service.
To give you an idea of your options, below are some of the topics that will be discussed during your visits with an audioprosthetist.
Learn more about hearing aid technology and what artificial intelligence makes possible!
The audioprosthetist will recommend the best of the six models for your particular needs. Learn more about what you should consider when choosing hearing aids.
There are several aspects to consider when selecting the best hearing aids for your specific circumstances. Here are the five things to keep in mind.
Whatever needs you have, there are plenty of technological features that improve the performance and comfort of your hearing aids. Discover a world of possibilities!
If you have hearing loss in both ears, two hearing aids are more beneficial in several ways, especially for preventing the gradual loss of speech comprehension.
It is crucial to take good care of your hearing aids, to keep them as long as possible and to protect your ears from infection. Here are the three steps of daily care.
Learn more about the products available for daily hearing aid care and how to use them.
Your audioprosthetist may also recommend accessories for your hearing aids that will improve your daily life and make things easier. These accessories complement the work of your hearing aids.
Our hearing is vulnerable and an array of sounds in our environment can damage it. Fortunately, there are various types of hearing protection available to prevent such damage and to protect your ears.
Did you know … ?
- Many hearing aids are covered by government programs, such as the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec and the CNESST, or by your private insurance.
- Our Groupe Forget’s Privilege card will get you discounts on a range of products like hearing aid batteries and accessories. Ask your audioprosthetist about it today!